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What do I do at step 2

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I am brand new to building websites etc. I have managed to get the Presta Shop files onto my webhost using Filezilla and its setup is now displaying on my website domain address. I can get past the step 1 page and then at step 2 it lists the below and I have no idea what to do with these as I am unable to select next to move to the next step. Does anyone know what I am supposed to do next? I am using 000webhost.

Many thanks!

System and permissions
Required set-up. Please verify the following checklist items are true.
If you have any questions, please visit our Documentation Wiki and/or Community Forum.

PHP settings (modify via your PHP admin software):
PHP 5.0 or later installed
Allowed to upload files
Allowed to create new files and folders
GD Library is installed
MySQL support is on
Write permissions on files and folders:
Write permissions on folders and subfolders/recursively:
Optional set-up
PHP settings (modify via your PHP admin software):
Allowed to open external URLs
PHP register global option is off (recommended)
GZIP compression is on (recommended)
Mcrypt is available (recommended)

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you just want to make sure that each has a check mark by them
if it says its good to go, then just click next.. there shouldnt be any issues as long as everything uploaded.
i would strongly advise using another webhost, all those types of sites do is lease once site from places like godaddy and then pack a ton of people into it. your site will be less secure, run slower, and will end up having more downtime.

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If any error is present you may need to contact your hosting provider's technical support to review the issue.

Once the verification of the server settings is completed and you may proceed with the next step by clicking on the “Next” button on the right bottom corner of the page.

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