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My suggestions for improving Prestashop [For the DEV Team]

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I've spent over a year with Prestashop, customizing and tweaking it for various clients. With this experience I've gained a lot a knowledge of the platform and where it's headed.

Some of the features it has to offer are great, but I feel like Prestashop lacks in critical areas when it comes to eCommerce.

Here are my suggestions

1] The checkout process

With 1.4 comes Guest Checkout. This was an essential additional, however the checkout process is still very frustrating and cumbersome.

We need the ability to disable 'Address Management'. Small eCommerce sites and their customers don't want to hassle with multiple address management. When I'm checking out, I want to enter my Shipping Address, see an option to check the same as Billing Address...and be done with it. No refreshing the page, just straight input fields to continue my easy checkout.

A perfect checkout example would be these:

If the development team copies and implements the easy structure of those checkout processes...Prestashop will be a whole lot easier to use.

2] More dynamic CMS.

An eCommerce solution packaged with a poor CMS is a real turn-off. Prestashop's CMS is lacking in depth & features.

I suggest
-Adding the ability to define content types
-Adding the ability to define fields, parameters and templates for content types

EX: Content Type:

Event Name:
Event Start Date:
Event End Date:
Image: (upload)

Ability to define the path this content type appears under: EX: mysite.com/events


These are just two major things that really stifle my PS driven websites. I absolutely love where the new MVC is headed, it's great from a developers perspective. But I feel the front-end side for customers needs more attention to detail. After all, it's customers who will be using the site the most, not the developers ;)

Please take my suggestions into consideration. I know as the years come, Prestashop will become even more powerful. Keep up the good work everyone, you're doing great so far ;)

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