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Thank you page after registration

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Hallo there ,

I am really new on prestashop and I m not good in coding :-( anyone out there can tell me how to add a Thank You page after registration instead of the direct login to the account

Sorry guys for my english ...Thank you :-)


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Thats a good question I don't know if there is anything out in prestashop that does it easily.

There is a "hook" called createAccount which might be helpful. I will have a look and see if this hook can be used to do this kind of thing

Have you tried to find a module that might help?

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Hallo Wildchief ,
thank you for your reply , I tried to see some module but unlikely I coudnt find anyone :-( As I said before i am not godd at all about coding , in case I wanto to change the Authentication button to redirect to another page , lets say I create a thank you page ( php.and tpl) what should I cange ......any idea?

Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...

Take the file what is to login in the account, and copy it to thankyoupage.php or what ever. And than, add you own text in it.
Rename in the file from register that is must be thankyoupage and not the accountpage.

Make first a backup from the files, so if something happens, you can go back.

So, old and new:

Register -> than go to account

Register -> thankyou -> to account, or else......

It is simple, but you must know what you doing, and you must a little about php


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...

In AuthController.php I found this:

if ($back = Tools::getValue('back'))


and I changed it to:

if ($back = Tools::getValue('back'))


I wonder if this is the right way of doing. At the moment after the user register does come to my thank you page and I am using Customer registration management module.

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In my honest opinion, serious site owners are better off utilizing their time keeping their prestashop releases current than making little changes.


The new prestashop module upgrade support is getting better and better...but it's not going to carry forward this sort of change so if you plan on being a competitive e shop, try to think of how you can upgrade your site to get all the new and cool stuff that is proven to be customer friendly. Best of luck.

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  • 3 months later...

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