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[SOLVED] Internet Explore template issues

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i have done a update for 1.3 to the new and all is good until i seen the site using Internet Explore 7. I notices stuff out of place and margins not matching. I am a mac user so i use Firefox the website looks best on this windows or mac. under Google Chrome and Safari their is a few lil things but nothing like in IE i have tested it with both IE 7 and 8 looks the same

images of it in Firefox 4 with windows is first IE8 is second

3rd image is Firefox 4 for mac




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i know why it is doing this! I just dont know how to fix it. Looks as if the logo is pushing the Contact Us , Site Map, and Bookmark links over pushing the search box down. some reason IE is not allowing the links to sit over top the image. in 1.3 this was fine. i can just reduce the image size of my logo. But i dont feel its a fix as it is it looks fine in Firefox Google Chrome and in Safari for both Mac and Windows. only in Internet Explore 7 8 and 9 is this happening. Like i said before it looks to be that in all the other browser the links are sitting over the blank part of the logo but not in IE. What code will do this? It is something that was changed in 1.4 . I feel this is not only my problem but can be others as anyone that uses a logo like i did mine and it will do same thing. www.projectpb.com have a look and see for your self


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  • 2 months later...

Looks like I am not the only one - this issue is really annoying :( Today I went to see my bank manager and guess what - she wanted to see my website and it was quite embarrassing - the website's header broken on her screen :(

I really hope that someone will post a solution

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Hello everyone, I am having a similar problem. Everything works fine in IE but in firefox it is all messed up. Alot of the modules don't even show. They are simple admodules with an image and they appear in IE but on firefox they are not there :(.


Does anyone know why this might be?


the website in question is: http://www.phonestreet.co.uk



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As you can see when I go to them in IE there are more ads displayed. (The featured items is not working at the moment and I have taken this up with the developer). Is it just my computer or is it an actual widespread issue?


I did check another PC and it was the same so I doubt it could be both computers showing it wrong :S



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Ok it wasn't a major revamp but I moved around the modules and the sliding frame with the ads is below the featured products. Can everyone who loaded the site before see the change? I can see the change in Firefox because there is now a gap between the shop description and the featured products. The images though do not show on my end :S

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This is what firefox shows me after I mobe the modules positions around.


thanks for the info Mike so it seems once someone goes to the website initially it is fine but once an update has been done and that machine goes to it again the images are not displayed though the layout etc is distinguishable. Hmm definately something cookie related I think.


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