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Order ID and Product from the Contact Form does not send within the email

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Hello everyone

I am setting up and now testing and have noticed that when signed in as a customer and you use the Contact Form, the fields for Order ID and Product, when selected (I did test purchases) and the message sends, the email sent to the shop does not contain the information selected from these two dropdowns.

The only information sent from this form is the email address of customer and the message from message block.

Has anyone noticed this before?

I am using the latest version of PS.

Some code is missing, can someone tell me what code I need and where to place it in order for these two fieds to be picked up within the email sent.

This could create problem as a customer has already selected order number and product and then refer to it in the message as 'with reference to my order above bla bla bla' then we would need to contact them currently and ask them which order and which product!!

Hope this all makes sense.

I look forward to hearing from someone to help with this.

kind regards

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  • 7 months later...

Hello Chelle,


I would like to "bump" your post because I am having the same problem. Emails from the customer contact form are not sending the Order ID or Product information.


I am using Prestashop


If anyone can help to give directions on how to fix the issue it would be greatly appreciated,



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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

if i send the message, in the BO>Employees>Customer service i can see the order and the products that the customer specify in the message.

But in the email that arrives to the shop address (and to the return to the customer) that fields doesn't appears.

I need only to konw wich parameters (something like {id_order} and {id_product} ) i need to put in the "contact.html" and "contact-form.html" to show it in the email, and if i need to change something in .php or .tpl files (like the "contact-form.tpl" and or "ContactController.php" or others)


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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 4 months later...

Thank you very much Curtis. I applied your fix and it worked in PS 1.4.9.


I used the same logic and also added {id_product}, as the selected product wasn't coming through with the email either, and it worked too.


Two questions:

1. What is the purpose of the text files, contact.txt and contact_form.txt?

2. marco_botti wrote:

in the BO>Employees>Customer service i can see the order and the products that the customer specify in the message.
I checked there and there are no messages in my shop. Should they be there? Could I unknowingly have changed a setting that doesn't keep messages in back office and only sends me an email?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by Dan1 (see edit history)
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You're right. I had a look and there's a setting for this, text or html, in email preferences. I never used the text setting so didn't know what those files were for.


What about the no messages in back office. Does anyone know what would cause that?

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  • 3 years later...

I am using prestashop version 1.6 and have set up a new eshop, but still facing the same issue.

Contact form still doesn't send Order reference or product ID, data and are not visible anywhere.

Topic been discussed under PSCFI-5649.


Anybody knows reason why it doesn't work?

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I am using prestashop version 1.6 and have set up a new eshop, but still facing the same issue.

Contact form still doesn't send Order reference or product ID, data and are not visible anywhere. Not in customer center and not in any mail.

Topic been discussed under PSCFI-5649.


Anybody knows reason why it doesn't work?



It shows order reference drop down option, when a customer is logged in. Very unclear for not logged in customers.

Edited by IgorS. (see edit history)
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