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Product cover image variable for video

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I have videos on at some products descriptions and there is an option to have an image for the video - so it will not be a blank screen then. The video will not load before the user hits the play button. I want to use the product cover image. The script goes like this:

[removed]// <![CDATA[
   'flashplayer': 'http://www.blablabla.com/video/player.swf',
   'duration': '20',
   'file': 'http://www.blablabla.com/video/199.mp4',
   'image': '{$link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $cover.id_image, 'large')}'
   'backcolor': 'AAAAAA',
   'frontcolor': 'FFFFFF',
   'lightcolor': 'CC0000',
   'screencolor': 'EEEEEE',
   'stretching': 'fill',
   'controlbar': 'bottom',
   'width': '480',
   'height': '360'

Now the {$link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $cover.id_image, 'large')} doesn't work, actually it breaks up the code or something as the video won't load at all.

How to make it have the product cover image? Thank you in advance.

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