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User information removal

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Have a downloadable products shop and I want to remove address and phone, so just leave the simple way.
Name, Surname, email, password
I ve been reading around and looks that is not that easy and the most important, the need to edit a few .tpl, .php…So no very update friendly either.
I mean I’ve done alredy a few .tpl changes but I prefer to avoid. Clearly, prestashop is in any way friendly for this.
Been thinking:
Would be possible to give a “default value”, lets say to phone, address, address2, country……
and set the not to show in order-op-new-account.tpl , something like “style=“display:none;”
So, I would end up with all my customers having the trelephone number “0000000000”, address “not needed”, country “no” and so on.
I’ve been going round for a while about this problem but I know nothing about this.
Does it sound “logic” and possible to someone who knows?
For sure It would be much more friendly with PS?
Hope I made myself clear.
All the best, people. I await your advice

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Tanks for your answer.
Well, the idea was to avoid too many changes in code.
So, may u advice me how should look in "order_opc_new_account.tpl" for example, ( last name), if you add the


and the lastname "lewis"

{l s='Last name'}
                   <input type="text" class="text" id="customer_lastname" name="customer_lastname">

I am from the "HTML age"..Thanks

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here is the example of your code, to hide last name, you need to the P tag to avoid to add to all other tags.

Here is code after adding style="display:none;"

{l s='Last name'}
                   <input type="text" class="text" id="customer_lastname" name="customer_lastname">

the same way, if you want to hide the whole section, try to find most outside tag and add style="display:none;" to that one.

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for default value, I think you have to do it one by one.

For example, in this one, the default value is set last name to default "Lewis"

{l s='Last name'}
                   <input type="text" class="text" id="customer_lastname" name="customer_lastname" value="Lewis ">

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