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HELP with Uploading new themes

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I have the same problem, actually I registered a new domian name for my store using prestashop box..
Then I tried to enter my domian using FTP program, but without any success to enter to the domian web!
I tried more than 4 hours enter the FTP to upload the theme,, then tried the prestashop back domain
but also the theme can't be uploaded.. it gave me that the Zipfile is broken however i have more than 5 themes ..

^-^ I still don't know the reason!

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Me too.. Didn't work
I went to preferences > performance .. But didn't find anything there
I want to know the way to enter my Website using ftp, cause the User&pass;info for my prestaboxshop couldn't be work there !!
Please help me!! Need to build my store ASAP.

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To have my website work I am thinking about hiring a web designer to create a theme that I like. Its the only way I see it working and that may include moving away from Presatshop because I cannot figure it out. Why would you have a new version if all the 1.3 themes don't work in it.

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