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Wholesale price doesn't change when selecting different currency

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Hi There,
We are trying to display the "wholesale price" when the unit prices are shown. For example, for 50 pens, we'll show:
Wholesale price is: $0.4 tax incl.
Your price is: $0.5 tax incl.

We managed to do so by changing the product tpl.

{if $priceDisplay >= 0 && $priceDisplay <= 2}
{if $product->wholesale_price != 0}                    
{l s='Wholesale'} {l s=' : '}{convertPrice price=$product->wholesale_price}{l s=' tax excl.'}  {/if} 

{l s='Your price :'}
{convertPrice price=$productPrice}

The result is fine until the client changes the currency, for example from euro to dollar. The value of the wholesale price DOESN'T change. It just changes from €0.4 to $0.4.

Does anybody know how to solve this?

Here is our website: www.teabreaker.com

This is actually exactly the same as described here:

Have a nice weekend!


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