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Setting up shipping in 1.4

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I have upgraded to 1.4.2 and I am trying to set up the UPS shipping module and it asks for API key...however, as far as I can see, the only way to get a UPS key is to go through the developers kit and build an application and it appears that I need to know a variety of types of codes. I thought modules are essentially there so those of us who don't know code can use prestashop without having to know code. I can figure some things out and modify some things but I have no clue how to write code. In UPS developer kit they also note that I have to have my code application approved by UPS in order to get approval for getting an API code to enter into the module. Is the module already set up with the code application incorporated? If so, where do I direct UPS in my API application to approve and get the API key? It looks like 1.4 is so new that there are no guides for setting up the shipping. Can anyone give me or point me to a guide for how to set up the ups module shipping and what the module does and what I have to do? PLEASE :)

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I have been vary patient and am getting fairly frustrated with the support of presatshop as are many others, particularly relating to shipping. I have also sent emails to prestashop support and have never heard of anything back. In fact, I have only ever gotten 1 response here to a post before, which was helpful, but it has left me trying to figure out everything by myself! The only help provided for shipping generally includes outdated information for other versions. Some of the recommendations for 1.3* was encouragement to upgrade to 1.4* noting that it already has the modules....so I did that, but there is not much there that the lay person can do. I can not find ANYTHING relating to how to set up the shipping module for 1.4*. The help page of the UPS module only says to "subscribe to the UPS website at this address. https://www.ups.com/upsdeveloperkit"; however the process for doing so seems to be where the meat is for setting this thing up and UPS talks a lot about code, developing applications and again leaves the lay person in the dark. The instruction to subscribe is about as good as NO INFORMATION AT ALL. It would be great if someone could at least tell us if the module is already set up with all the applications that are necessary and where we can point UPS into finding it so that they can approve it and we can get an API key, otherwise the module is no good to us. An easier solution to the whole shipping mess could be as simple as allowing multiple zones per state and then just attaching the different zones to the different carriers...it wouldn't be as accurate but at least we can adapt for that and get UPS and other shipping going for the lay shop. If ANYONE has been able to set up shipping for multiple carriers in the US in 1.4*...PLEASE let us know what you did! I would hate to switch becuase prestashop has some really great features and overall I have really liked it....but if I can only have 1 option to ship besides local pickup then I may have to cut my losses and try to find the next best thing. I can't sell if I cant ship. Shipping is a big issue in prestashop...I get that you are volunteers...but waiting this long to address a VITAL issue for a shopping cart is RIDICULOUS! PLEASE HELP SOMEBODY!!!!!

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