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[SOLVED] How to edit individual products block?

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Is there a way (i hope its easy, couse i have no programing skills) to make an individual product block a bit smaller so that on site there will be a less scrolling up and down and more products to see instantly?

...i edited in PS one picture to give you an idea what im loking for.

example site : http://www.mikronis.hr/shop/category.asp?catid=29

thanx in advance!



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%-P lol sorry you can try this
Go to your global.css in the theme in use and search for this:

ul#product_list li {
   background: #d0d3d8 url('../img/block_category_item_bg.jpg') repeat-x;
   border: solid 1px #d0d3d8;
   padding: 6px;

It will be around line 1439 and edite the height: height:130px; maybe to height:100px; adjust acording your needs or theme

But I think you may need to edit more than that.

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great, half way there.
this works now some new issues have emerged... :)

where to remove that "WIEV" button couse it is compleatly unnecesery couse click on it is the same as click on picture or text, and how to limit text that it dont escapes new borderline?



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where to remove that "WIEV" button couse it is compleatly unnecesery couse click on it is the same as click on picture or text, and how to limit text that it dont escapes new borderline?

and remove this line:
{l s='View' mod='homefeatured'}

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