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přesun prestashopu

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Ahoj, potreboval bych radu s presuunem prestashopu, presunul jsem shop na jiny hosting ale pokazde me to posle kdyz najedu na novou domenu, tak me to posle zpet na tu puvodni i kdyz jsem presunul ftp, databaze, prepsal config.
uz fakt nevim, presem dekuji za rady.

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tušim že doména je uložena i někde v databázi, nevim bohužel přesně kde, ale projdi si tabulky v databázi....

nejjednoduší PŘENOS NA NOVOU DOMÉNU bude asi pomocí instalace... tu sem něco našel:
Did you run the install script to update the database, and did it complete without errors?

The process is:

1. Install the new version files (1.3x or 1.4x)
2. Copy the images, email templates, translations, themes etc. from the old store
3. Copy the config/settings.inc.php across from the old store
4. Import the database into a new (empty) one (and then edit the settings.inc.php for the new DB details)
5. Run the installer to update the database and settings.inc.php file to the new version
6. Cleanup the install directory and admin folder name

That should be all you need to do…. if you’ve changed domain, then you’ll likely need to go to the settings tab in the Back office and change the details there.


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