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Failed to insert into the base Data

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is the first time I use prestashop and has happened to me the following error when I do the Configuration database, squeeze 'try now ' and is correct but the following give the following error 'Failed to insert into the base Data:
'CREATE TABLE `ps_required_field` (`id_required_field` int (11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `object_name` varchar (32) NOT NULL, `field_name` varchar (32) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id_required_field`), KEY `object_name` (`object_name`)) ENGINE = InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET = u '
Unknown character set: \ 'or \' (Error: 1115) "

I'm using version and I have not changed anything before the installation, but I uploaded prestashop folder to my server and I started the installation in the browser.

Why this error happens?

Also I've put my email in "Parameters for sending emails' but does not send test e-mail (this may help)

Thank you very much everyone!

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