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product details not showing up in orders

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after the customers orders i am not able to see what they have ordered for .
the products for which the customer have ordered is not showing up can some help with this.
i think it is a Db related issues please explain with steps to resolve this problem. i am not very good with DB but can manage to follow the instructions .

I have attached the picture that will explain the problem better.


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I have upgraded from 1.2.5 to 1.4.2 with Rocky.
I am suspicious about the COD with fee module too. Because it only appears during the cash on delivery type orders. and not all the time. only sometimes.

Do you have any experience?


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Yes, we have fixed such issue as of today.
It was linked to the mailalert module.
In 1.2, when a customer registers to be notify when a product is available again, there is no check that his email is valid (well formatted)
After upgrade into 1.4, each time this product stock is modified, hooks try to send email notification to each customer being registered to this product.
But it may be stucked due to invalid email.

Check the emails format in table ps_mailalert_customer_oos and remove all incorrect ones

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Yes, in our case, it was linked to the mailalert module.
While validating an order, the content of the cart is set into the order_detail table. But the loop over the cart product may be stopped due to an incorrect mailsent, and order_detail is empty.

To check your table, you have to use phpMyAdmin and go to the given table

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