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Error on new_order.txt

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I did a test buy in my not yet released shop and got the following error message after confirming the order:

Error - The following email template is missing: C:\ ... \prestashop\modules\mailalerts/mails/no/new_order.txt

Why does the '\' change to '/' ?

The template did not exist at the initial install, but I have copied the order_conf.txt, renamed it and uploaded it to the correct language folder. Still the same error.

This goes for the out of stock email template as well.


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I had the same error :

Errore: template email mancante: /www/MW_qPnPnIqaq/frequenzestudio.it/prestashop/modules/mailalerts/mails/it/new_order.txt

no way to put a fake new_order.txt

I discovered why mails are failing. By some reason the /countrycode/ folder does not copy it self. In my case I copied /mails/en/ to /mails/no/ and translated the text. This I had to do for all modules with a /mails/ folder.

To clarify:

Copy modules/module_name/mails/en/

It worked for me :)
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thanks for the hint!!!!
I looked in the mailalerts/mail folder and,as you reported, there was no "it" folder.So I made a copy of the "en" folder and renamed "it". Now I don't get the error message anymore but the "Order confirmation" page do not load. The customer anyway receive the mail but not the admin.
Any suggestion to make the "Order confirmation page" appear again????

by the way
If I do the same switching to italian lang, the system do not work correctly because I discovered that the translation on the site is for ver 1.0 only!!!!!!! (I know, I'm a lazy stupid guy that don't read the notes) so I guess I will have to do the translation by myself....

I will post this in the italian forum also---thanx----

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