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Google tracking code

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I've been trying to figure out why my google AdWord tracking code can't seem to work. I contacted google ( yes, believe it or not they have people that talk to you now) and they looked at my page source of the order_confirmation.
Apparently, not having a <body></body> html or php is changing the line spacing and formatting of the snippet.

Can someone tell me how I can preserve the snippet's formatting in the order_confirmation.tpl?

I know that some place the snippet in the authorization/validation page ( which is also a .tpl) but it would record conversions even if the customer doesn't enter their credit card info and actually complete the transaction.

Hopefully some1 can help resolve this painful issue.



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It can't tell me how many Pay-per-click for each keyword have turned into a conversion. The BO "Stats" is a good replacement for analytics ( I did paste the UAD as you suggeste) but not for AdWord tracking.

If you use pay-per-click it is important to know where you click money goes.

I still don't understand why the snipped gets modified in the .tpl and how its formatting can be preserved.


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I'm still trying to fix this.
The information I get from the google AdWord page about my PPClics is very valuable to me and not the same as the one in the Analytics info generated form the google analytics module.

It's really strange. The snippet I put in order-confirmation.tpl page is saved, uploaded on the live site.
I run "force compile" to make sure it gets updated, refresh my cache and cookies but when I run a test conversion and look at the page source of the order-confirmation.php an old snippet shows up.
The old snippet is nowhere to be found in any file but it shows up on the source page.

Anyone has any idea?

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