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[Solved] Move Home text editor to right_column

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I want to move the image and text from Home Text Editor into the top of the right column on the homepage.

I tried moving it in the modules >positions area in the admin but this would not allow me.

I think from reading round I have to tell the module that it is compatible with the {$HOOK_RIGHT_COLUMN}?

I am just a bit unsure as to how to go about this.. I have been using presta shop for 3 days now and have figured out loads of other small bits and pieces on the forum. So far it seems like a really good script with a helpful community.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks Michael

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figured it out after playing round for a while there, basically had to go into the editorial module and in the editorial.php file add in the code below:

    public function hookRightColumn()
       global $cookie, $smarty;

       $editorial = new EditorialClass(1, (int)$cookie->id_lang);
           'editorial' => $editorial,
           'default_lang' => (int)$cookie->id_lang,
           'image_width' => Configuration::get('EDITORIAL_IMAGE_WIDTH'),
           'image_height' => Configuration::get('EDITORIAL_IMAGE_HEIGHT'),
           'id_lang' => $cookie->id_lang,
           'homepage_logo' => file_exists('modules/editorial/homepage_logo.jpg'),
           'image_path' => $this->_path.'homepage_logo.jpg'
       return $this->display(__FILE__, 'editorial.tpl');

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