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[Solved] Advertising Block Configuration - Open in New Window

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Thank you Site! It worked! I appreciate your help!

I don't know if you can help on 1 more issue sort of related to this one:


I'm trying to add the align="center" option to both this advertising block as well as the PayPal block...I have tried adding it to different sections on the .tpl file, to no avail...ideas?


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I am using PrestaShop™ 1.4.3 and cannot open target in new window when clicking on the advertising picture.

I can't see the pictures uploaded to this post. Can you reload?


What I did is:

went to modules/blockadvertising\blockadvertising.tpl and modified it like this:

<a href="{$adv_link}" title="{$adv_title}" target="_blank"><img src="{$image}" alt="{$adv_title}" title="{$adv_title}" width="155" height="163"/></a>


No luck.

I uninstalled the module and re-installed but still not working. Can you tell me how to get it to work?


Thanks in advanced

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  • 2 months later...

Change it from this




I can't see the images in the above post. I have tried doing as Kumarr suggested - which seems to make sense from an html point of view, but it has not worked here either.


Help appreciated

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Hey guys, below is how I did it. It also centers the advertising block...make sure your change it in the .tpl file...not the .php file!


Afterward, make sure you delete the files (not the index.php) in the compile folder (prestashop ---> tools ---> smarty ---> compile) and then reload your page to view the changes.


The code below has worked on up to for me. Hope it helps!




Prestashop ---> modules folder ---> blockadvertising folder ---> blockadvertising.tpl


<!-- MODULE Block advertising -->
<div class="advertising_block">
<p align="center"><a href="{$adv_link}" title="{l s='Advertising' mod='blockadvertising'}" target="_blank"><img src="{$image}" alt="{l s='Advertising' mod='blockadvertising'}"  width="155"  height="163" /></a></p>
<!-- /MODULE Block advertising -->

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, below is how I did it. It also centers the advertising block...make sure your change it in the .tpl file...not the .php file!


Afterward, make sure you delete the files (not the index.php) in the compile folder (prestashop ---> tools ---> smarty ---> compile) and then reload your page to view the changes.


The code below has worked on up to for me. Hope it helps!




Prestashop ---> modules folder ---> blockadvertising folder ---> blockadvertising.tpl


<!-- MODULE Block advertising -->
<div class="advertising_block">
<p align="center"><a href="{$adv_link}" title="{l s='Advertising' mod='blockadvertising'}" target="_blank"><img src="{$image}" alt="{l s='Advertising' mod='blockadvertising'}"  width="155"  height="163" /></a></p>
<!-- /MODULE Block advertising -->





Now a stupid question! :huh: Which files should be deleted in the compile-folder? Can and should all, but the index file be deleted?


Thank you!!!

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