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display attachments on category page

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I would like to display an attachment on a product on the category page. I've tried to take the code found on product.tpl and add it in to product-list.tpl file but this doesn't seem to work, I've alaso tried adding the following to the code to try and get it to pull the attachments into the product list file but with no luck:

<!-- product's features -->
global $cookie;
$product=$this->get_template_vars('product'); // nb $this IS smarty
$myprod = new Product($product['id_product']);
$features = $myprod->getAttachments(intval($cookie->id_lang));
{if $attachments}

{foreach from=$attachments item=attachment}





I used the above to pull in product features but won't seem tot work fro attachments. I'm using version 1.3.

Any help is much appreciated.


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