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Help! "My Addresses" not showing after upgrading from to

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I'm experiencing some weird behavior after upgrading from to

In "My Addresses" menu where it shows the multiple address aliases for a customer (driven by themes/prestashop/addresses.tpl), it fails to show the details of the addresses. It does recognize that the customer has multiple addresses, but it only shows the aliases, and the "update" and "delete" links right below the aliases.

An interesting thing is that if I switch the db prefix to a brand new set of DB tables by changing the "_DB_PREFIX_" in settings.inc.php, everything works fine and the address details start showing up.
I switched the DB prefix back to the old tables, and only copied the "ps_customer" and "ps_address" tables from the new set of tables to the old set of tables, the addresses details still don't show up.

As another debug attempt, I inserted "

" in themes/prestashop/addresses.tpl, and here's the output (Notice that "ordered" and "formated" are both empty..) :

   [0] => Array
           [ordered] => Array
                   [0] => 

           [formated] => Array
                   [] => 

           [object] => Array
                   [id_address] => 3
                   [id_country] => 28
                   [id_state] => 0
                   [id_customer] => 2
                   [id_manufacturer] => 0
                   [id_supplier] => 0
                   [alias] => My address
                   [company] => Gold
                   [lastname] => Bond
                   [firstname] => James
                   [address1] => minato-ku
                   [address2] => vabien
                   [postcode] => 500-500
                   [city] => Tokyo
                   [other] => 
                   [phone] => 12341234
                   [phone_mobile] => 12341234
                   [vat_number] => 
                   [dni] => 
                   [date_add] => 2011-05-05 12:55:59
                   [date_upd] => 2011-05-30 20:51:13
                   [active] => 1
                   [deleted] => 0
                   [country] => Japan
                   [state] => 
                   [state_iso] => 


   [1] => Array
           [ordered] => Array
                   [0] => 

           [formated] => Array
                   [] => 

           [object] => Array
                   [id_address] => 7
                   [id_country] => 28
                   [id_state] => 0
                   [id_customer] => 2
                   [id_manufacturer] => 0
                   [id_supplier] => 0
                   [alias] => test addr
                   [company] => test
                   [lastname] => Bond
                   [firstname] => James
                   [address1] => test
                   [address2] => test
                   [postcode] => 
                   [city] => test
                   [other] => test
                   [phone] => 1111
                   [phone_mobile] => 1111
                   [vat_number] => 
                   [dni] => 
                   [date_add] => 2011-05-26 23:49:49
                   [date_upd] => 2011-05-26 23:49:49
                   [active] => 1
                   [deleted] => 0
                   [country] => Japan
                   [state] => 
                   [state_iso] => 


   [2] => Array
           [ordered] => Array
                   [0] => 

           [formated] => Array
                   [] => 

           [object] => Array
                   [id_address] => 10
                   [id_country] => 28
                   [id_state] => 0
                   [id_customer] => 2
                   [id_manufacturer] => 0
                   [id_supplier] => 0
                   [alias] => Address test
                   [company] => Prestatest
                   [lastname] => Bond
                   [firstname] => James
                   [address1] => Presta ave
                   [address2] => Tester
                   [postcode] => 
                   [city] => Tokyo
                   [other] => 
                   [phone] => 0701231234
                   [phone_mobile] => 
                   [vat_number] => 
                   [dni] => 
                   [date_add] => 2011-05-30 13:21:06
                   [date_upd] => 2011-05-30 13:21:06
                   [active] => 1
                   [deleted] => 0
                   [country] => Japan
                   [state] => 
                   [state_iso] => 



One more thing worth mentioning is that I actually did a clean install of and just updated the db prefix to the "old" db tables. So, I'm pretty sure there wasn't any mistake in the installation itself.

Any help/advice would be really appreciated!!!

Thanks so much-

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