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Orders not in BO 'Order' Tab

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Orders that customers place are sending an email to me, them and if I put a test order through the 'customer' can see the order in their account and has an order number (that increments with each order), however by clicking 'Orders' tab in the back office, there is no record of their order. Used to work up until 1.4.1, but this most recent update 1.4.2 has displayed the problem. Help!

This MAY be a permissions problem, as the install had a few problems with credit card module not having the correct 755 and 644 permissions, so is there a file that moves all order information to the AdminOrders.php tab/file?


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I guess this could be data issue or database.
I you have just upgraded form old version to 1.4.1, then it could some problem with upgrade.

You can check the database directly at table ps_orders to see if the orders are there.
I guess they are there.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry I was referring this thread, I forgot to insert the link, maybe you have already.

You can also check your database directly, see if there order showing up in ps_order table.
there are a many factors the could cauase order validation failed so that it does not show up in back office tab.

some cases I encountered is that the order validation failed and there is no order history status record.
You can also check if the same has order history record in table ps_order_history table, if not, you manually add one record to see if it appears.

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