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[Solved] Mysterious top margin in Firefox

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I tried to add style="margin-top:0px; padding-top:0px; top:0px;" to all of of the div's, header's, logo, body, etc. etc. but it seems that nothing works.
There is a margin on the top of my page but only when using FIREFOX. It is Ok on Safari and Chrome. I am using Mac OSx so I don't know how is with who is using windows.

Anyone here with any suggestion how to fix this?

Here is a printscreen. and the website is http://www.wingakan.com/ramramindia/

Theme: Matrice | Prestashop 1.4


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I tried FF and did not see a margin, I suggest you use firebug to figure it out (if you didn't already).

I just solved it minutes ago.

The solution is: on body margin-top: 0px; and on #top {margin-bottom:0;}. It was #top {margin-bottom:1em;} and that was causing the mistake. Because of that, only Firefox was showing the white margin, independently of having margin-top 0px or not.
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