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How to make the sub catergory image from left to center ?

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I'm not sure but maybe is in this section on your global.css theme file:

around line 66

ul.inline_list{ list-style-type:none; margin-top: 1em; }
ul.inline_list li { float:left; text-align:center; }     <-----maybe by changing 
ul.inline_list li img{ display:block; }                            to float:none or 
ul.half {                                                              right to right side
   width: 45%;
   margin-right: 1em;
   float: left;        

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Hello hieloiceberg

it not solve the problem , i follow your instructions , but what it did , instad of move to the center as i wanted at the same order it show on the screen , he put the icons one on top of the other , and i want only to centralize it from the left potion to the middle.


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