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Whats the recommended strategy?

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Following the faq which recommends creating a site on your domain and then creating a test local site (both pointing to the same db), I found that the local site front end always redirects to the one hosted in the domain.

I then found a post that mentioned that in the local site I needed to change the value of a couple of fields in a table (don't recall the details), I already changed the local config entries.

If this is the case and fixes the issue (havent tried yet) then surely the domain version will also point to the local copy?

Is the faq wrong? Should I have two seperate dbs and then update the domain versions everytime I make an update?

Whats the recommended strategy?


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So it turns out that the faq is now out of date from version 1.4.

See here: http://alvinjiang.blogspot.com/2011/04/prestashop-tips-domain-name-and.html

"Most PrestaShop owners or potential owners do not realize a small change in PrestaShop 1.4. The domain name or the hostnbame now is saved in database ps_configuration table."

So there is no choice but to use seperate dbs in you have a local test copy as well as a live version.

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