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adding sub category to existing upload

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I am totaly new to Presta Shop.
I understand the procedures for category and sub category.
My question is this: I have uploaded 600 items and everything seems to work fine.
However I could not figure out how to add sub categories to an item
I wanted to add Jewelry, Bracelet, then Mens as an additional sub category

Is there a bulk way to add the sub category of men to already uploaded products

Thanks Much

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When importing you first need to create a set of categories and subcategories.
Then in your product csv file you specify in which category and subcategory each product needs to be assigned :
For example a product csv file

1,1,Coffee cup round, HERE GO THE CATEGORIES, etc etc
So it would look like this :
1,1,Cofee cup round,1,2,3, etc etc

You cannot change the subcategories of already existing products in bulk.

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