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CLOSE Impossible to install blocked on step 2 - sitemap.xml

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Hello i'm trying to install prestashop on my own server .

I have put all the permission requested in the install file and i'm getting the problem with step 2 when the install verify if all is ok before the installation ...
The problem it's about the permission.
I'm sending the lines with the problem.

Write permissions on files and folders:

The /sitemap.xml line start with a red button ....
I have try to put write permission on the file and i'm getting the same problem ...
I have send a print screen.

How i can repair that ?

Thanks !!


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All I know is that I used a FTP upload program to change all my permissions. I was surprised too to see that I had to change that sitemap file. What I did was the same program I used to upload all the files into my host server, I used it to change the permissions as well. While in my FTP program I went to my host directory found that file right clicked, clicked properties and then changed it to 777 and it worked for me.

Good Luck!

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I have change the permission using FTP Upload program and all is ok now ... so i don't understand because i have manually (not using ftp program) change my permission to CHMOD 777 and this make a ton of time i'm working with permission folder ... so it's a thing than i can't understand.
If someone have that problem the answer to your problem is easy ... change your permission using your ftp upload program and close it after (your ftp program) and all will work ok.
Thanks for your support !
You're the Best !

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