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[Solved] Shipping costs to differant locations

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Hey guys,
Finally got the site up and running...

We want to charge shipping costs for differant areas of the world for example UK, EUroope and International (rest of world)

is there a way to do this on individual prosducts?


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Hi Ben,
in the BO, "Additional shipping cost:” is a field of each product.
About carriers, in the BO go to the Shipping tab where you have to define you zone (if the already defined don't feet you needs), then you have to set up carriers and then carrier fees on the first page of shipping tab.

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I've created a new carrier (roayl mail)
I;ve added all the info but whrn i select it it doesnt seem to show the zones/ranges Just says no ranges set. Im sure ive set them though.
Don't suppose you know what I'm doing wrong do you?
Thanks Jacky75!


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Im not totallt lost! Lol
I've added the Royal Mail and gotten the zones to come up, I've set 1.60 foer the shipping cost of one item but on the F/O it says its 6.99...

Also How do I change the price of shipping for differnt items to differant coutires, in the shipping tab it lists the zones but doesnt specify how much for each item if that makes snese? or is it just a general price per location on all items?

Sorry for the newbe questions but never used it before.


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Sorry (for my english), but I want to know the functionality of having Zone, Country, State and County if I only can set shipping costs on Zones.

Is there any way to set different costs per county?

The "zone" concept is too wide for my needs...

Thanks in advance

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