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CMS Link Error, need Help

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Here is my problem.
In my website, wich is LIve, users can only open 1 cms page, afterwards even if its the same page, it show an error message "Page not available".
They work fine if you open each of the individually on a diferent page, but never in the same page.
I even thought the problem was with the footer module i have on the page, so i manually created links to cms using the Link Module. The problem however remains the same.
Can anyone tell how to fix this?

My website is: www.limitededition.com.pt

Thank you in advance.

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Probably your problem with Friendly urls.
In footer links looks like usual, not friendly. You have some redirector, which redirect you to valid friendly url.
If you familiar with Smarty you can see in template code in footer and check whether links generates as friendly there.
If not, you can try fix this.

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I think in module was generated incorrect links.
Very difficult say certanly, may be problem in database or CMS, but first of all I want know why, when in system was activated friendly urls, in footer still generated simple urls. (with id_cms=)
That's why, I would see code of template of this module, which display links.

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See if these files help.
The "Blockcms" is in the Themes/mytheme/modules/Blockcms
The "tmfooterlinks" (the custom footer module) id in the root/modules.

For some reson i can't upload the files again, could you pm me your e-mail so i can send them to you please?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to say that "gonandriy" was a great help in achieving this, i am sure he has the answers you are looking for ;)
BTW gonandriy, do you do custom template work?
I don't have a lot of money at this time but i need a few changes in my template and i would rather have you do it, since you were so helpful before.


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Thank you for helping.
Problem is with CMS and Menu. I activated friendly url and everything works perfect except that when clicking on my menu links from my CMS pages it uses the url: /content/nya-produkter. It should be the url: /nya-produkter.

To see the problem “http://www.homestock.se/content/1-leverans” and click on any menu link.

You will then be directed to : “http://www.homestock.se/content/nya-produkter”

Should be “http://www.homestock.se/nya-produkter”

Heres the code from my menunav.tpl

       {l s='Welcome' mod='menunav'},
       {if $logged}
{$customerName}({l s='Log out' mod='menunav'})
{l s='Log in' mod='menunav'}

{l s='Cart:' mod='menunav'}
{l s='product' mod='menunav'}
{l s='products' mod='menunav'}
           {if $cart_qties > 0}

                   {if $priceDisplay == 1}
                       {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(false, 4)}
                       {convertPrice price=$cart->getOrderTotal(true, 4)}

{l s='(empty)' mod='menunav'}

<!-- /Block user information module HEADER -->

{if $xml->body->home_menu_link1}getPageLink({$xml->body->home_menu_link1|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'})}" >{if $xml->body->$mnt}{$xml->body->$mnt|stripslashes}{/if}{/if}
{if $xml->body->home_menu_link2}getPageLink({$xml->body->home_menu_link2|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'})}">{if $xml->body->$mnt2}{$xml->body->$mnt2|stripslashes}{/if}{/if}
{if $xml->body->home_menu_link3}getPageLink({$xml->body->home_menu_link3|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'})}">{if $xml->body->$mnt3}{$xml->body->$mnt3|stripslashes}{/if}{/if}
{if $xml->body->home_menu_link4}getPageLink({$xml->body->home_menu_link4|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'})}">{if $xml->body->$mnt4}{$xml->body->$mnt4|stripslashes}{/if}{/if}
{if $xml->body->home_menu_link5}getPageLink({$xml->body->home_menu_link5|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'})}">{if $xml->body->$mnt5}{$xml->body->$mnt5|stripslashes}{/if}{/if}
{if $xml->body->home_menu_link6}getPageLink({$xml->body->home_menu_link6|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'})}">{if $xml->body->$mnt6}{$xml->body->$mnt6|stripslashes}{/if}{/if}

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This code

{if $xml->body->home_menu_link1}getPageLink({$xml->body->home_menu_link1|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'})}" >{if $xml->body->$mnt}{$xml->body->$mnt|stripslashes}{/if}{/if}

little misunderstanding for me. I have never seen such code in prestashop.
So, why do you not want write simple link

Nya produkter

instead of this

{if $xml->body->home_menu_link1}getPageLink({$xml->body->home_menu_link1|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'})}" >{if $xml->body->$mnt}{$xml->body->$mnt|stripslashes}{/if}{/if}


If you need some intricate method for generating top menu links, then will be difficult help you without understanding how links are generated.

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Actually that is a known bug.. stupid to not have that fixed in the brand new 1.4.2 I just downloaded..

Seems you have to go to the phpmyadmin in your cpanel and edit the sql database directly for the index.php friendly url in table named ps_meta_lang
Then save it.. that is it.. fixed.

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The issue is a known bug to the developers.. they know about this problem. Yet they just put out a new release and did not correct it.

The solution is to use your cpanel to make the change to the friendly URL for index.php

you can do that by logging into your cpanel and finding your phpadmin and inside there finding the table named: ps_meta_lang and inside that table find index.php and click the little pencil to edit it.. in the column headed "friendly URL" type what you want your friendly url for your home page to be named.. wa la it will be instantly fixed.

Then all works fine..

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