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Setting Price Included TAX

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On Back Office, I fill the selling price excl. tax Rp. 1.000.000, - and incl. tax of Rp. 1.100.000, -
but why when I see it in front page written products incl. tax Rp. 1.000.000, -? is in part correct purchase Rp. 1.100.000,- incl. the tax


Di Back Office, saya isi harga jual sebelum pajak Rp. 1.000.000,- dan setelah pajak Rp. 1.100.000,-
tetapi kenapa di saat saya lihat di halaman depan produk tertulis termasuk pajak Rp. 1.000.000,- ? sedang di bagian beli sudah benar Rp. 1.100.000 termasuk pajak



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tax is based on the location of invoice address.
And price display method is based on customer groups.

before user is not logged in, does not have address information, then default country will be used
customer group will also be using the default. Hope this could give you some clue.

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