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Modifying the Number of Products Displayed per Row in a Category

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Is it possible to change the number of products displayed per row? I would like to create a "gallery view" of all products in the category instead of having one item displayed per row on a page (For example: http://eglamwear.com/apparel/category.php?id_category=3).

What I want to display is something that looks more like this:



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Thank you so much. This is just what I needed.

Can you tell me if this is the section of the TPL file i must remove to get rid of the "add to cart" button?

{if ($product.allow_oosp OR $product.quantity > 0) && $product.customizable != 2}
                  <----DELETE HERE?---->
{l s='Add to cart'}
<----END DELETE?---->
{l s='Add to cart'}
{l s='View'}

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You need to delete or comment out the following

{if ($product.allow_oosp OR $product.quantity > 0)}{l s='Available'}{else}{l s='Out of stock'}{/if}
               {if ($product.allow_oosp OR $product.quantity > 0) && $product.customizable != 2}
{l s='Add to cart'}
{l s='Add to cart'}

To comment out just add <!-- and --> before and after the section. This is a good way to find out the correct section to delete.

Also if anyone has got a 2 column theme and want 4 products across you just need to change the width setting.

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