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Supplier Ajax error

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After I add a product or edit a existing product when I save I get a "supplier ajax error" pop up. Its bugging me since it does it allot. I noticed it happened after I entered manufactures information, but I never assigned them to any of my products and I ended up deleting them to see if that would help, but it didn't.

any suggestions?????


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  • 1 month later...

I have the same problem in the admin section.

Site upgraded to 1.4.3.

When you go to edit a product, you get an error (pop or modal window, depending on the browser):

"Supplier ajax error: parsererror"

When you click ok and then look at the select list with the suppliers, only the chosen supplier shows, the list is incomplete.

It's as if the system didn't have time to populate the list (although in my case there are only 2 suppliers, though there are over 500 products).

IMPORTANT - if you refresh the page, the select list is finally populated with the suppliers on the second or third try, no more error. So it does work, but you need to refresh the page several times. And, sometimes it works at the first try.

Is there some change that needs to be made to ajax.php or another file that will, for example, lengthen the amount of time allowed to populate the select list.

Or is this problem of another nature?

"SOLVED", I guess. This upgrade involved migration of the database from one server to another. The dump from one was in Latin1 while new DB was in UTF8, so the accents were all screwed up. In particular, I wonder if the incorrect handling of apostrophies wasn't perturbing in some way the process of parsing the data needed to populate the list correctly. But that still doesn't explain why it did work after refreshing the page once or twice. Yeah, wah-evah. All's well that ends well.

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Hi Claudcast

I have the same thing happen to me and for manufacturers too. It happens to me when the product page I've been working on hasn't quite finished loading up/saving and I try to navigate off somewhere else. I need to be more patient!

It may not be what's happening to you but thought I'd share it with you just in case.

Good luck!

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...



sorry I can't reproduce the javascript error you describe.


I suppose this error happens when the following ajax request is made to fill the <select> element :

/admin/ajax.php?_=1312463742305& ajaxProductSuppliers=1


a string should appear similar to this:

[{"optionValue": "1", "optionDisplay": "supplier name 1 "},{"optionValue": "2", "optionDisplay": "supplier name 2 "}]


Have you the same thing ? If not, what do you have ?


Additionnal information for debugging : /admin/tabs/AdminProducts.php, next to line 2144

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have the same problem , and I think that is the problem.

Those are the errors from firebug.


POST http://www.shop.games-area.ro/admmin/ajax.php


200 OK


jquery....min.js (line 141)

GET http://www.shop.games-area.ro/admmin/ajax.php?ajaxProductManufacturers=1


200 OK


jquery....min.js (line 141)

GET http://www.shop.games-area.ro/admmin/ajax.php?ajaxProductSuppliers=1


200 OK


jquery....min.js (line 141)

POST http://www.shop.games-area.ro/admin/ajax_category_list.php

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