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Another description in product BO problem

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i want to make another description in product BO, that is read/written into new db column called description_2.
I´ve modified AdminProduct.php like this:

i added this code

'.$this->l('Description 2:').'
       foreach ($this->_languages as $language)
           echo '        
                               <textarea class="rte" cols="100" rows="20" id=description_2_'.$language['id_lang'].'" name="description_2_'.$language['id_lang'].'">'.htmlentities(stripslashes($this->getFieldValue($obj, 'description_2', $language['id_lang'])), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').'</textarea>
       echo '        

after this code

       foreach ($this->_languages as $language)
           echo '        
                               <textarea class="rte" cols="100" rows="20" id="description_'.$language['id_lang'].'" name="description_'.$language['id_lang'].'">'.htmlentities(stripslashes($this->getFieldValue($obj, 'description', $language['id_lang'])), ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8').'</textarea>
       echo '        

after that, new texarea shown up in product page in BO. BUT when aj type in new description and try to save it, nothing happens and my new description is not written into DB.

Can anybody hel my with this problem?

Thanks a lot.

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