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integration script | linnworks | problem updating shipment status

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Hey Guys, i am having a problem. I use linnworks to control stock on multiple platforms, and i have a prestashop script for this to work.

Now in the UK i have linnworks and its connected to my site and works perfectly, it downloads the orders and when i process them it updates prestashop so show that the item has been shipped. Fantastic perfect.

But now in Estonia i have the same setup, it will download orders from prestashop but when processed it will not update prestashop to show the item as shipped.

Now my only guess is that it has something maybe to do with languages??? as its the only thing thats different between the 2 stores. My estonian stores default language is Estonian and not English.

I really hope someone can help me, or give me an idea.

Here is the script below

0 as id_employee,
o.id_order as id_order,
(select id_order_state from ps_order_state_lang where name='Shipped' limit 0,1) as id_order_state,
now() as date_add
from ps_orders o
left outer join
select ps_orders.id_order from ps_orders
inner join ps_order_history on ps_order_history.`id_order`=ps_orders.id_order
where id_order_state = (select id_order_state from ps_order_state_lang where name='Shipped' limit 0,1)
and concat(ps_orders.id_order,'-',CONVERT(ps_orders.date_add, UNSIGNED)) = '[{OrderReference}]'
group by id_order
) shipped
on shipped.id_order = o.`id_order`
where concat(o.id_order,'-',CONVERT(o.date_add, UNSIGNED)) = '[{OrderReference}]'
and shipped.id_order is null

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