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modules to transfer in upgrading to 1.4

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Okay, they have transferred but to the wrong module titles! So paypal etc are listed under other modules and not payment gateways?! so what do I need to do? Also I don't know whether it is because of this but my checkout has died :(
and if i uninstall one module it uninstalls them all!

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Only pull across any extra modules that you have installed on top of the prestashop default (eg. facebook like button, homepage carousel etc.)

All paypal etc. should be replaced by the new ones.

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so shall i just go to the FTP and swap what iv put on there from my old files with what the 1.4 version modules already were? because iv not installed any new ones yet. Will my settings have saved within the modules like paypal if i do this though?

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I believe your settings should be fine. I've upgraded a few times over the past months (1.3.1>1.4>1.4.1>1.4.2) and had no problems with this.
This only problem I had on one upgrade is that the new paypal and moneybookers modules were disabled after the upgrade - just had to click on them to re-enable.

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