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[Solved] Compare and view string translation - where from

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Dear friends,

I'm really puzzled for I'm searching a way to translate the two strings (see attachement) in Romanian. I've spent almost half day to no avail.

Please, what file, what module translation do I have to edit to get over this bugging issue.

The problems appears in „Compare" and „View" + „Select to compare" from products listing.

Please help! This matter exhausted me and I feel trapped...

PrestaShop 1.4.1 (updated from


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Daca site-ul va fi numai in romana poti modifica direct:

<input type="submit" class="button" value="{l s='Compare'}" style="float:right" />

in /themes/numeTema/product-compare.tpl


{l s='View'}

<input type="checkbox"> {l s='Select to compare'}

in /themes/numeTema/product-list.tpl

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You don't need to change any files in order to change text.

You should use the PS translation engine.

Tools->Translations->Front Office Translations-> Click the flag for the language you want to change and look for the string in the next page.

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Believe me, I've done that several times as I thought these strings escapes me for some sort of reason. They were not there.

Modifying the .tpl I know is not the best solution nor the most elegant approach to a system usage, but I'm kind off forced to?!

Thank you for your piece of advice and your time.

P.S. Maybe something still eludes me...

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Yes, I found it as you pointed out.
My mistake was to access the translation panel through the configuration panel of various modules and I guess this limits the scope.

Thanks for taking the time to investigate my issue.

I declare this solved!

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  • 8 months later...

Hello. But where can i translate the Product-Compare "Add to cart" ???

I have been looking for it. Everywhere else it is named what i like, but when i select 2 product and compare them, it's still English. I have looked the tpl. file and even REMOVED the add to cart lines but they still exist. Can someone help?

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