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[Solved] new employee accss denied error

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does error say which area the error occured?

No just Access denied.

when i go to premissions tab and choose the new profile that i created and mark up new premissions for that profile, is it appling the new changes automaticlly ?

When i set administrator profile to the new employee then its ok , no error......


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Can you see anything else except the error?
For example, are you able to access the tabs that you have the permission?

It seems there are permission error at home page only, because it is trying to initialize some tabs and also load the statistics information at home.

if you can access all the tabs that you have assigned permission, then you can just ignore the error.

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when i creat a new profile i get error: An error occurred while creating object. profile ()
But whe i go and refresh profile tab then the newly created profile is there

ok next thing when i go to permissions tab and mark all things that i want but when i switch to another tab and come back to see the permissions that i gave then i cant see them....

please help !

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it seems that you have difficulty to set the permissions.

when i switch to another tab and come back to see the permissions that i gave then i cant see them

Make sure you have selected the profile from the dropdown list of Profiles
by default profile Administrator is selected. Because you can not change anything for Administrator, so nothing is displayed. Hope this is not the case.
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Finally i found that bug..

Cant use my native language for creating new profiles and permissoins.

Must change it to english first ( for admin user how want to creat new profile and permissions)

Apply those changes to new employee and then change the language interface back to my native language.

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  • 11 months later...

Hello raxsix :)


I have the same problem. Could you please tell me, where in admin area (back office) exactly did you change language?


Thank you,



Finally i found that bug..


Cant use my native language for creating new profiles and permissoins.


Must change it to english first ( for admin user how want to creat new profile and permissions)


Apply those changes to new employee and then change the language interface back to my native language.

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