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Upgrade to 8.2

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Hello everybody,

I have a shop with version and I'd like to upgrade to 8.2. For my tests I've set-up a local installation of 8.2. My plan was to get a DB from old shop and import it to a new one, copy stuff from /img. I have only 3 external modules so they are not a problem. I have already a new theme which is 8.2 ready.

However importing a db to new 8.2 with phpmyadmin is not that easy, it seems that a lot of has changed in db structure. Which way should I go with the migration, how to approach it? Looks like I should use modules and upgrade 1.6 -> 1.7 -> 8.2?


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Not yet, however this info in 1-click upgrade module worries me:

For your information, PrestaShop 1.6 to 1.7 updates are no longer actively supported. You can still use previous versions of this module to attempt this update (at your own risk). 
However, we advise you to use other modules available on the PrestaShop Addons Marketplace to perform such upgrades (<1.7 to the latest PrestaShop versions), or to migrate your store directly.

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Use the older version of the 1-click upgrade to upgrade from 1.6 to 1.7, then upgrade from 1.7 to 1.8

From 1.6 to 1.8, you can migrate only the Prestashop data, i.e. Customer/address/Order/Products/Category. YOu have to get rid of the theme/modules/any customization etc. 


Use PHP7.1 to migrate from the PS1.6 to PS1.7 



Then PHP7.4 to migrate from PS1.7 to PS.18.

Of course, you have to do it on the staging first. 







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