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The version of PrestaShop does not match the one stored in database. [Solved]

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Hi guys! I'm trying to upgrade PS using 1-Click Upgrade. But after 2 attemps (at least the latest it finished) it shown errors... so now 1-Click Upgrade show this message:

"The version of PrestaShop does not match the one stored in database. Your database structure may not be up-to-date and/or the value of PS_VERSION_DB needs to be updated in the configuration table."

How can I fix this ?

Edited by DArnaez (see edit history)
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If it's only about changing the version in the DB, Then open the PHPMyAdmin and go to the table i.e. ps_configuration (Check the table prefix according to your installation).


Then search for the "PS_VERSION_DB" and "PS_INSTALL_VERSION" in the name field. value of both the keys should be the same i.e. According to your Prestashop version i.e. 8.2.0 etc





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It doesn't work because 1-Click still showing the database is different.
However if put both in looks fine to make a new attempt to 1-Click Upgrade.

----------------Edited:    It works!! Now I'm running PS

Now at least I have a recent version. Now the problem is to see what happen in the live store.
Showing many errors😒 No idea why. https://ohmyicons.com

Edited by DArnaez (see edit history)
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Hostgator IT say this: Where can I fid the answer:m 

I would suggest you to conce contact Pestrashop and check what is the server requirements they need so that their website would work, once we have the server requirements needed for the website we can then make the necessary changes"


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  • DArnaez changed the title to The version of PrestaShop does not match the one stored in database. [Solved]

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