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[HELP] How to adjust the width of the coloums on my website and how to adjust home feature + issue with google checkout not going through

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I hope the topic name is acceptable by prestashop team as I have had to post this subject 3 times now as I dont have an answer

Hey Guys,

I own Dundee Tech Repair .co.uk and have a few questions regarding my website and how I edit the design


Is the first thing I want to edit make that whole section wider.

The second thing is

How do I add more products in the featured items

I also have an issue with googlecheckout when people check out on my website the order stays in the cart but they have checked out with google

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In your global.css file increase the width of the center column.

Featured products are products that you have assigned to the home category, so put more in there, also you may want to check how many products you have configured for that module to display in modules>homefeatured>configure.

Have you set your return url in google checkout settings?

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