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is it possible to skip the create an account or login section

what i want is when a customers clicks 'check out' they go straight to the section where they fill in their details, shipping is automatically added based on address given, then there is a sumary page with a select payment method.

ideally customers after clicking check out would only see 2 pages, the 1st which is the form where they input their details and the 2nd where they see the sumary of their purchases with the shipping added and a choice of payment methods

does anybody know of any mods that makes any of this possible

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  • 7 months later...
Wauw, and it took you 8 months to come up with that smart reply?

I've been staring at this thread for 8 months trying to figure out what I didn't like about it. Day and night, I'd keep it open in another window and look at it when I had a free moment. Sometimes I'd miss dinner or dates with my girlfriend. Sometimes I'd forget to brush my teeth before bed. Sometimes I couldn't even sleep at all. But today, this morning, it finally hit me. You're cranky. Now I can go back to my life. Maybe I'll shave today. I do need to pee real bad.
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