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[solved][PS 8.2] - Need help adding custom fields to Product Page: actionProductFormBuilderModifier hook not triggering.

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Hello everyone, new and inexperienced dev here,

I have been trying to create a module to add some custom fields to the product page in BackOffice, I followed the sample guide from PrestaShop itself, using the hook hookActionProductFormBuilderModifier, but noticed I couldn't make it work, actually, the hook was not even being triggered. I tried with other hook like hookActionCategoryFormBuilderModifier and it worked (at this point I was just testing out with Prestashop logger).
I also found this bug report from way back in 2021 , with what looks to be the same problem.

So my question really is, does anybody know if this is indeed a bug still unfixed (which to me seems unlikely since the guide I mentioned is in the PrestaShop documentation) or am I doing something wrong/is there a work around ?

Thanks in advance,
Simão Henriques

Edited by Simao Henriques
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  • Simao Henriques changed the title to [solved][PS 8.2] - Need help adding custom fields to Product Page: actionProductFormBuilderModifier hook not triggering.

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