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ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS - backoffice presta submenus are in infinite loop


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frontoffice work perfectly . installed modules are working fine in bo+fo too. but backoffice presta admin panel submenus (products ,categories, advanced parameters,orders,module manager etc...) are in infinite loop.

when click on a admin submenu that came with prestashop8.2 , address bar redirects several times , crush, and bar stops at ;




tried everything in last 2 weeks, somedays worked all days and solved several times but how i dont know... but it happen again and again... so i give up

backup points also gives error while restore

i made malware/virus scan and nothing found

domain admins said it happens because of http->https redirect. but they can not solved. they tell me to write presta

presta 8.2 installed via cpanel.

my site dont have much modules. credit card payment module "iyzico", product import module "easy import" and a complicated theme "movic fashion"


I think Something wrong with database or htaccess . (ps_tab may be).   When i change something on them, it start to work again. But crush in few hours later


use prestashop 8.2 on php 8.1 apache server. SSL built in .

Edited by egeunilicem (see edit history)
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1 fix :


1- can reach prestashop admin submenus via firefox browser. (under chrome and opera submenus do not work)


Searched forum . Find this answer but do not worked for me

2- added this line to the PHP.INI in multiphp editor in cpanel ;

session.save_path = "/home1/xxxx/public_html/Prestaadmin"

and  restarted php-fpm process

Edited by egeunilicem (see edit history)
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