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Module - controller is never recognised

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Prestashop 8.2, trying to add a controller to a module.

File, called AdminYourCustomController.php in the controllers/admin directory of the module. Defined as 

class AdminYourCustomController extends ModuleAdminController{...}

called from my module

                'my_url' => $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminYourCustomController', true, [], ['action' => 'synchronizeProducts']),

module uninstalled, reinstalled, cache cleared, read/write rights to the controller file checked and the controller is not recognised when called either by getAdminLink or a direct call to the URL of the controller.

I've seen on some old posts that a tab needed to be added and initialised in the install() method. I tried this but it didn't do anything.

Does anyone have a working solution for adding a controller in 8.2 ?

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Yes, you need to add tab in installation function like this:

        // add admin cotroller support
        if (!$this->existsTab($this->tab_class)) {
            if (!$this->addTab($this->tab_class, -1)) {
                return false;
        // #add admin cotroller support
    public function existsTab($tab_class)
        $result = Db::getInstance(_PS_USE_SQL_SLAVE_)->executeS('SELECT id_tab AS id
        FROM `' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'tab` t WHERE LOWER(t.`class_name`) = \'' . pSQL($tab_class) . '\'');
        if (count($result) == 0) {
            return false;

        return true;

where $tab_class = 'AdminYourModuleName';

    private function addTab($tab_class, $id_parent)
        $tab = new Tab();
        $tab->class_name = $tab_class;
        $tab->id_parent = $id_parent;
        $tab->module = $this->tab_module;
        $tab->name[(int) Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')] = $this->l('Any simple name for module');

        return true;


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I've tried it both your way and another way (see below). The tab gets added to the database but when I try to access the controller it still gives an error every time.


    public function install()
        Configuration::updateValue('IKOSTOCK_LIVE_MODE', false);


        return parent::install() &&
			$this->installTab() &&

    private function installTab()
        $tab = new Tab();
        $tab->class_name = 'AdminYourCustomController';
        $tab->module = $this->name;
        $tab->id_parent = (int) Tab::getIdFromClassName('AdminCatalog'); // Default tab, or use AdminCatalog
        $tab->active = 1;

        foreach (Language::getLanguages(true) as $lang) {
            $tab->name[$lang['id_lang']] = 'Custom Controller';

        return $tab->add();


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I just saw your update.


                'synchronize__url' => $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminYourCustomController', true, [], ['action' => 'synchronizeProducts'])  . '&ajax=true&id_lang=' . $this->lang,

Like this, I no longer get the controller error, instead I get redirected to 


and a page not found error.

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15 hours ago, Ikoshop said:

As I understand, you have working link now. Use it for ajax method in javascript.

Also create methods in your admin controller.

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No, I don't have a working link and I cannot get the controller to work. I've tried many other methods, with front and admin controllers, but none of the controllers are found when trying to access them from a direct URL in the format {sitename}/module/{modulename}/{controllername} or 


There must be something fundamentally wrong with my Prestashop installation as everything that is supposed to work does not when it comes to recognising the existence of controllers.

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Check that your controller is in yourmodule\controllers\admin folder

Name - AdminYourModule.php

And have code like this:

if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) {

class AdminYourModuleController extends ModuleAdminController
    public function initContent()




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Checked and rechecked lots of times.

I wondered if I needed a vendor/autoload.php file for it to work? I tried to make one with composer but when I load the page which accesses the module it throws the error 


Warning: include(/var/www/html/modules/mymodulename/vendor/composer/../composer/InstalledVersions.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory

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9 minutes ago, Ikoshop said:

I wondered if I needed a vendor/autoload.php file for it to work?

I don't use vendor folder.

So, when you enter this link: http://localhost:8081/admin985hli9ksojm6m5owdr/index.php?controller=AdminYourCustomController&action=synchronizeToPrestaShop&token=8c99384214334d3313e19be1bc689148&ajax=true&id_lang=1

You can see the Return values from your controller, right?

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20 hours ago, Ikoshop said:

Prestashop 8.2, trying to add a controller to a module.

File, called AdminYourCustomController.php in the controllers/admin directory of the module. Defined as 

class AdminYourCustomController extends ModuleAdminController{...}

called from my module

                'my_url' => $this->context->link->getAdminLink('AdminYourCustomController', true, [], ['action' => 'synchronizeProducts']),

module uninstalled, reinstalled, cache cleared, read/write rights to the controller file checked and the controller is not recognised when called either by getAdminLink or a direct call to the URL of the controller.

I've seen on some old posts that a tab needed to be added and initialised in the install() method. I tried this but it didn't do anything.

Does anyone have a working solution for adding a controller in 8.2 ?

Make sure the controller is in the correct folder.
It should be as the following:  modules/your-module/src/Controller/AdminYourCustomController.php
It looks like you forgot the /src/ folder.

And maybe you could also share your namespacing and autloader config?

Edited by Inform-All (see edit history)
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