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[SOLVED] No links clickable after removing old theme - ver 8.2 - SOLVED

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I recently upgraded to 8.2

None of the links on my site are currently working after deleting an old theme. This is what happened:

During upgrade I tried ThemeVolty but in the end to stick to my own theme.

Site was running perfectly after upgrade for a week now.

Today I decided to delete old theme.
Deleted theme = ThemeVolty from within presta backend.
Saw that all ThemeVolty modules were still there.
So I uninstalled all modules from within presta backend.

After this one of the product or category links are working on 4x4direct.co.za

How do I get my links to work again?


Edited by pietpetoors
SOLVED (see edit history)
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I now installed the old theme again and still my site has no clickable links.

Seems problem is only in FireFox. Chrome and Edge are working.
I asked people in other towns to also test, problem same. Thus not my cache.
I also cleared web site cache to make sure.

Edited by pietpetoors
added firefox (see edit history)
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Both are in my initial post, https://www.4x4direct.co.za and version 8.2

The issue has been solved.

For future ref:
Issue started after removing unused theme = ThemeVolty
Solution: Installed ThemeVolty again, activated ThemeVolty and then reverted back to my current Angar theme.
Unanswered question: Why does removing old theme cause such problem.

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  • pietpetoors changed the title to No links clickable after removing old theme - ver 8.2 - SOLVED
  • pietpetoors changed the title to [SOLVED] No links clickable after removing old theme - ver 8.2 - SOLVED

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