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PS 8 migration to server causes issue with BO CsrfTokenManager->getToken()


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Good day fellow geeks, so I migrated the site, all good, FO works but BO doesn't. I am getting the following error:

CsrfTokenManager->getToken() in /home/fm1kjtxyz0tz/public_html/src/PrestaShopBundle/Service/Routing/Router.php (line 64)

    public function generate($name, $parameters = [], $referenceType = self::ABSOLUTE_PATH)


        $username = $this->userProvider->getUsername();

        // Do not generate token each time we want to generate a route for a user

        if (!isset($this->tokens[$username])) {

            $this->tokens[$username] = $this->tokenManager->getToken($username)->getValue();


        $url = parent::generate($name, $parameters, $referenceType);

        if (TokenInUrls::isDisabled()) {

I manually cleared cache and added a new .htaccess file through ftp as I don;t have access. The only positive thing is that all 5 PS stores present the same problem, so, if I fix one, I fix them all. Thanks in advance!



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