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I added a pair of text labels directly to product.tpl file in order to promote our website. How could I translate those lines of text to another language? Usual way did not work for me.

I tried to do it through the usual way (International/Translations/ type of translation “Front office Translations” / Select your theme “Core (no theme selected)” / Language “French”. And then I looked for “Global” folder into “Theme” and into “Shop”, but here in Global folder it does not exist my new texts to translate.

 The added lines are these ones:


          <h2>{l s='Lee opiniones verificadas sobre Naturalis.es en el siguiente enlace: d='Shop.Theme.Global'}</h2>

          <h3><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/NVhCufMH6Qtq8GxN9">{l s='Opiniones de usuarios de Naturalis.es en Google Maps' d='Shop.Theme.Global'}</a></h3>



          <h3>{l s='¡Y paga con Tarjeta, Bizum, Google Pay, Apple Pay o Contra Reembolso. Tu elijes!' d='Shop.Theme.Global'}</h3>







I added a pair of text labels directly to product.tpl file in order to promote our website. How could I translate those lines of text to another language? Usual way did not work for me.

I tried to do it through the usual way (International/Translations/ type of translation “Front office Translations” / Select your theme “Core (no theme selected)” / Language “French”. And then I looked for “Global” folder into “Theme” and into “Shop”, but here in Global folder it does not exist my new texts to translate.

 The added lines are these ones:


          <h2>{l s='Lee opiniones verificadas sobre Naturalis.es en el siguiente enlace: d='Shop.Theme.Global'}</h2>

          <h3><a href="https://maps.app.goo.gl/NVhCufMH6Qtq8GxN9">{l s='Opiniones de usuarios de Naturalis.es en Google Maps' d='Shop.Theme.Global'}</a></h3>



          <h3>{l s='¡Y paga con Tarjeta, Bizum, Google Pay, Apple Pay o Contra Reembolso. Tu elijes!' d='Shop.Theme.Global'}</h3>




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