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New Product flag on the wrong position PS 1.7

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2 hours ago, JBW said:

Check the CSS using the inspect function of the browser or post a link to example site here

Sure here is the link: https://www.novaeletricaeiluminacao.com.br/brand/1-tramontina


1 hour ago, Prestashop Addict said:

Please can you specify theme

The theme is a child theme I made from the classic theme.

Is that what you asked? English is not my first language.😅

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I see, but I dont understand why is doing that.

I did not change it on the child theme.

I dont even have a product.tpl on the child theme. I am using the original product.tpl of the classic theme. the include flag is outside description. 

<div class="product-description">
        {block name='product_name'}
          {if $page.page_name == 'index'}
            <h3 class="h3 product-title"><a href="{$product.url}" content="{$product.url}">{$product.name|truncate:30:'...'}</a></h3>
            <h2 class="h3 product-title"><a href="{$product.url}" content="{$product.url}">{$product.name|truncate:30:'...'}</a></h2>

        {block name='product_price_and_shipping'}
          {if $product.show_price}
            <div class="product-price-and-shipping">
              {if $product.has_discount}
                {hook h='displayProductPriceBlock' product=$product type="old_price"}

                <span class="regular-price" aria-label="{l s='Regular price' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}">{$product.regular_price}</span>
                {if $product.discount_type === 'percentage'}
                  <span class="discount-percentage discount-product">{$product.discount_percentage}</span>
                {elseif $product.discount_type === 'amount'}
                  <span class="discount-amount discount-product">{$product.discount_amount_to_display}</span>

              {hook h='displayProductPriceBlock' product=$product type="before_price"}

              <span class="price" aria-label="{l s='Price' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'}">
                {capture name='custom_price'}{hook h='displayProductPriceBlock' product=$product type='custom_price' hook_origin='products_list'}{/capture}
                {if '' !== $smarty.capture.custom_price}
                  {$smarty.capture.custom_price nofilter}

              {hook h='displayProductPriceBlock' product=$product type='unit_price'}

              {hook h='displayProductPriceBlock' product=$product type='weight'}

        {block name='product_reviews'}
          {hook h='displayProductListReviews' product=$product}

      {include file='catalog/_partials/product-flags.tpl'}

And it only doing it on the brand pages, the others it is working normaly.

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