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Products with and without VAT


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Here's the thing: when you enter a product page, when you load it, the price appears and at the front it mentions VAT Excluded, but after loading it, the VAT Excluded indication disappears, it seems that the Add to Cart button moves up a step...
Can anyone tell me what's going on and how I can resolve this?
I've already deleted temporary files, recompiled them, went to the countries and checked whether or not to show VAT, in the same customer groups...
I don't know what else I can do...

Version 8.1.7, PHP: 8.1.30, Theme AngarTheme

Captura de ecrã 2024-11-07 133900.jpg


Edited by luismfbsilva061980 (see edit history)
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2 hours ago, Prestashop Addict said:

Disable CCC js reload page, open browser inspector, and look at debuger to see which js cause this issue (certainly XHR request)

I have this Multiple Sell Unit module and it is what is causing the VAT-free message to disappear.
I deactivate the module and it's OK, but I need it working...

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2 minutes ago, Nickz said:

Split your shop into smaller units and handle each shop separately.
Smaller units are easier to handle,  especially when having an one man enterprise. 

Do you own a multipurpose shop or are you trying to cater for different languages?


I only use one store and one language...
About 20000 items without variations...

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