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Klarna Checkout Official Module isn't working


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can anyone help me understand what can be wrong with my Klarna module. I have active the module with the credentials for it. But when and a product and then try go to checkout page the page bounce right back to start page. When i check the Klarna logs it tells me this:

Failed to execute cart checkout controller order in %s

{ "context": { "request": { "isolang": "sv", "id_lang": 2, "module": "klarnacheckoutofficial", "controller": "checkout", "fc": "module" }, "cart_id": 68 }, "exceptions": [ { "message": "Failed to get successful api response.", "code": 1001, "file": "/home/u987489442/domains/koksgrossen.shop/public_html/modules/klarnacheckoutofficial/src/Infrastructure/Exception/KlarnaCheckoutException.php", "line": 65, "context": [] }, { "message": "Api exception. Message: (Bad value: order_lines[0].total_amount differs from the calculated value [348800] by more than [1]). Correlation id: 1bbeb80d-4e4b-450f-af8d-5a4da4f770ce", "code": 0, "file": "/home/u987489442/domains/koksgrossen.shop/public_html/modules/klarnacheckoutofficial/src/Infrastructure/Api/ApiCaller.php", "line": 73, "context": [] } ], "context_id_customer": 4, "id_shop": 1, "currency": "SEK", "id_language": 2 }

Does anyone know what can be the problem here?

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The error message in your Klarna logs suggests that the problem lies in a mismatch between the values calculated for the cart's total and the values sent to Klarna. Specifically, the error:
Api exception. Message: (Bad value: order_lines[0].total_amount differs from the calculated value [348800] by more than [1])

Check your tax and rounding settings in PrestaShop, clear cache, and verify the Klarna module configuration. If it persists, contact Klarna support or the module developer for a fix.


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