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Notify me when available - multiple emails when edit product

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Hi there,
I recently tested the 'notify me when available’ feature on an out of stock product.

When I then added more stock to that product I did indeed get an email stating that the product was back in stock etc.

Trouble is, every time I edit and save that product I get the email again.
Obviously this could be very annoying for a customer especially as there is no way of then stopping that notification if you are a guest as you simply add your email address. (customers can remove the alert from their account section.)

Have I missed something or should this alert only be sent once if you are a guest?

Any thoughts welcome

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  • 2 months later...

Hi there,<br/>I recently tested the 'notify me when available’ feature on an out of stock product.<br/><br/>When I then added more stock to that product I did indeed get an email stating that the product was back in stock etc.<br/><br/>Trouble is, every time I edit and save that product I get the email again.<br/>Obviously this could be very annoying for a customer especially as there is no way of then stopping that notification if you are a guest as you simply add your email address. (customers can remove the alert from their account section.) <br/> <br/>Have I missed something or should this alert only be sent once if you are a guest?<br/><br/>Any thoughts welcome


Have you maybe found a solution for this? I also find very annoying for PS to send email to customer everytime I edit & save the product, so I have disabled this "Notify when available" feature, until we find a solution for this ...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Same issue here, in fact I have a customer who has told me that she is getting daily emails! I have had to disable the function too.


It seems to send customers notification when the product is out of stock rather than in stock!


Any soluctions would be fantastic, I have spent the entire evening searching prestashop for an answer to this!

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  • 2 months later...

Anyone found a solution for this? I got the same issue?


As far as I can see, ones the customer received an email ( product on stock again), his emailadres should be deleted prom the database. But for some field in the database is does not happen. Anyone knows why?



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